Monday, October 03, 2005

random tired randomness

sooo tired... so this one is gonna be quick... even in point form!

- last day at brunskill today - moving to mcnab tomorrow!!! YIPPEE!!! These are some of my cute little boys!! I can't wait to see them!

- my boss is a moron. he wanted me to start work today, after telling me (or actually having somebody else ask me what time i'd be there)... and then not even appologizing for NEVER calling me back about working there when i asked him about it!

- group work is very difficult

- i did no work this weekend, and have a feeling it is going to bite me in the a$$ pretty soon

- i had a SUPER fun birthday, and now i have lots of piratey loot (still TOO much bootie tho'... if you catch my drift. REALLY need to start running soon!)

- i've just discovered that i have a long distance package on my phone... only thing is, we have STUPID time differences with everybody i love and want to phone!

- i'm in a big "KILLERS" funk at the moment, esp "MR BRIGHTSIDE" - reminds me of Moulin Rouge.

- i have only been home from camp for 1 month tomorrow. Feels like forever and yet just yesterday.

- i am now going to bed! and i am NOT getting up for my 8:30 class. OOPS> guess i slept (or am sleeping) through it. its a neccesity of uni life. don't look at me like that.

so nighty night!


Anonymous said...

I'd rather not think of your booty's drift. P-U!!

caricature said...

thanks jordan
i love you too... :)