Saturday, October 15, 2005


MAN - i love fall. Its gorgeous, but so fleeting. I wish i could capture every element of the colours, brief warm winds, sound or leaves rustling or crunching, smell and beauty of the sunset hitting those leaves and making a golden glow. its hard to describe.

This is the physics building, and tho i admittedly shudder when considering spending time in that dreary building, it is most definatly stunning from the outside, especially with that kind of frame.

McNab is going really well. I have really appreciated being back with the kids, and am SO impressed with Annette, the new director person. She is fantastic, and has already found so many sponsers and donations, and has some terrific ideas. I think she is going to be a huge plus for the kids. It would just be so much easier if we could find (even 1) quality person to come work with us everyday - it makes the program a lot less crowd control and a lot more relational. Its funny - looking back over last year, i realize that i am an idealist, who manages to disguise all the bad in the good. I forgot about all the angry, abusive families; FAS; and the kids'desparation to be loved... It doesn't make working there bad - in fact, i feel like i'm actually doing something worthwhile - but it does break my heart. somehow in the chaos of everyday i find myself loving them and really worrying about them, even while i'm being stern with them for hitting each other or whatever. it totally gives me new respect for foster parents. It must be so hard to love your kids so much and then have them leave you. I don't know how they do it.

anyway - i should get to work.

1 comment:

rochelle laura knox said...

the physics building scares me. but i do miss the forgotten 3rd floor of thorv. and the north wing... ah.