Saturday, October 08, 2005

Growing up!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comI'm almost a real grown up! I bought my own freezer today!! It is only 5.5 cubic feet (which means i can pick her up and carry her by myself, if that gives you some idea of her size) but i'm happy :)  Isn't she pretty? I need to come up with a good name for her! Now i can actually make and eat real meals on the limited time frame that i have.. yay yay yay. laziness right here!  i'm so excited. I may have to beat my roomates off with a stick, but hey.

anyway - its my sister's birthday today, so i need to go find her  a nice prezzie, then go set up her birthday meal / party (its really only  my family - does that count as a party??)


1 comment:

caricature said...