Sunday, October 16, 2005

Putting the beach in a jar

I realize that i created my "quote board" for this purpose, but since this is a larger quote, and one that i found in about February, when it was REALLY meaningful to me. I still really appreciate it, and in fact it was stuck to my mirror (before it fell off the wall and shattered. Here we go with the bad luck...) The book is by James Peterson. I'm a horrible B.A. and didn't even write down the title or pg number, but here it is:

"Living life is like putting the beach into a jar. The point isn't to fit everything it; it is to attend to the most important things first - the big beautiful rocks, the most valuable people and experiences - and fit the lesser things in around them. Otherwise the best things might get left out."

*and before you go on a bandwagon about the "most valuable" people, STOP. You know what he means. Don't over analyze!

gotta teach a lesson in front of the camera tomorrow.. uggg!
better go find something to wear.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Good old James Peterson is being used at Regent, so it seems. We had a lecture during Orientation that included a story about a Harvard prof doing a class on time management. He filled a jar with big stones and asked the students if it was full. They said no, so he poured in smaller stones on top of the big ones, then sand, then water. He asked what the lesson was. They said "there's always time when you're looking for it." He said, "No, the moral is, if you don't put the big rocks in first, you'll never fit them in." In other words, unless you schedule that which is most important to you before anything else (in this lecture, is was quiet time with God), you'll never do it.