Sunday, March 06, 2005

Saskatchewan Pirates

Its been an exciting day all around. I woke up at 12 and read my book for a while in bed... i LOVE doing that. I remember the days i used to wake up at like 7:30am on Saturday mornings and read in my bed, and try my hardest not to make any noise so my mom wouldn't make me get up and do chores.. good times. Although i STILL don't know why children are programed to wake up that early?? Crazyness. Anyway, after reading for a while, i got a chance to go flower shopping with batty for the wedding, which was really quite exciting. After that i came home and took a nap - don't mock me, flower shopping is hard work. I had a birthday party at 6pm and then night games at the church with my Jnr high girls.... ROCKIN' TIMES!! Seriously, it was so much fun. After dropping them at home, i caught up with Karla, Sarah, J and Janelle at Telemiracle. It was a surprisingly good time, even tho' pretty much all of the music was country... What can you do? I think i'd forgotten what a country place SK really is. Of course Adam Gregory helped make that all better ;) (i never heard him sing, which might ruin the illusion a little... but not a bad looking guy!) But when we left at 2:15, they had raised almost $295 010!! I've never had anything to do with Telemiracle (except for selling helping hands at the Dub) - i had never even seen it on TV before, so it was quite cool to be at the live show. Theresa also played a song she wrote a couple days ago, which was fun. Her personal style reminds me a lot of Scott's... i think it'd be an awesome combo.
This song was one of my favourites of the evening.. you gotta love the Arrogant worms :) Even if it was countrified a little by Brad Johner, hehe. It was quite amusing!

ARTIST: Arrogant Worms
TITLE: Last Saskatchewan Pirate

Well, I used to be a farmer and I made a living fine
I had a little stretch of land along the C. P. line
But times got tough, and though I tried, the money wasn't there
The bankers came and took my land and told me, "Fair is fair"
I looked for every kind of job, the answer always no
"Hire you now?" they'd always laugh, "We just let twenty go!" (Ha ha!)
The government, they promised me a measly little sum
But I've got too much pride to end up just another bum

Then I thought, who gives a damn if all the jobs are gone
I'm gonna be a pirate on the river Saskatchewan! (Arr!)

And it's a heave (ho!) hi (ho!), coming down the plains
Stealing wheat and barley and all the other grains
And it's a ho (hey!) hi (hey!), farmers bar yer doors
When you see the Jolly Roger on Regina's mighty shores

Well, you'd think the local farmers would know that I'm at large
But just the other day I found an unprotected barge
I snuck up right behind them and they were none the wiser
I rammed the ship and sank it and I stole the fertilizer
Bridge outside of Moose Jaw spans a mighty river
Farmers cross in so much fear, their stomach's are a-quiver
'Cause they know that Captain Tractor's hiding in the bay
I'll jump the bridge, and knock 'em cold, and sail off with their hay


Well, Mountie Bob he chased me, he was always at my throat
He'd follow on the shoreline 'cause he didn't own a boat
But the cutbacks were a-comin' and the Mountie lost his job
So now he's sailing with me and we call him Salty Bob
A swingin' sword, a skull-and-bones, and pleasant company
I never pay my income tax and screw the GST (Screw it!)
Prince Albert down to Saskatoon, the terror of the sea
If you wanna reach the co-op, boy, you gotta get by me! (Arr!)


Well, the pirate life's appealing but you don't just find it here
I hear in north Alberta there's a band of buccaneers
They roam the Athabasca from Smith to Fort MacKay
And you're gonna lose your Stetson if you have to pass their way
Well, winter is a-comin' and a chill is in the breeze
My pirate days are over once the river starts to freeze
I'll be back in springtime, but now I've got to go
I hear there's lots of plunderin' down in New Mexico

Moral of the story all around? Its 2:46, and i'm pretty tired, so sweet dreams.


Evan said...

A&W just donated $6666.. (I think)

They're trying to one-up the devil.

Anonymous said...

Hey, good stuff!
luv that song SO much!
ive never done any telemiracle stuff either, thas awsum ur doing that stuff w/ the youth.
have a great day!

rochelle laura knox said...

um, thanks carebear! now i'll be walking around chiang mai, eating noodles, and humming the arrogant worms! i CANNOT get the song out of my head!!!

caricature said...

if it makes you feel better Rochelle, i had the south african national anthem stuck in my head for a whole day too. Its a good song i guess. but anything stuck in your head is bound to drive you CRAZY!
And evan... i told somebody at work about one upping the devil, and there was pretty much no argument ;)

caricature said...

if it makes you feel better Rochelle, i had the south african national anthem stuck in my head for a whole day too. Its a good song i guess. but anything stuck in your head is bound to drive you CRAZY!
And evan... i told somebody at work about one upping the devil, and there was pretty much no argument ;)

caricature said...
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