Sunday, March 13, 2005

animal personalities

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Another one of these anoying tests. but this one i'm told is actually a genuine personality test, like Myer - Briggs. I get to be a Golden Retriever.. My favourite dog breed :) Its weirdly pretty acurate too... although i think they may go a little overboard on the praise to get you to stick around ;)

The most loyal and sensitive of friends! You will look after everyones feelings and emotions - except your own! Golden Retrievers sometimes get very hurt, especially by lions, because they let themselves be treated as door mats. You need appreciation, something the rest of us often overlook.

Golden Retriever: stand in front of a mirror and practice saying "NO!" It will help, but you probably won't feel comfortable saying it.

I sorta like how the Beaver doesn't even feature on my personality list, lol:


Beavers are orderly, practical, and do things right. You probably make a list each day of things to do, and if you dosomething that isn't on your list, you write it on your list so that you can then cross it off! Others might find you a bit stuffy and dull, but beavers just need a bit more time and space in there relationships.

(although, i am a big fan of the lists... i even make up things i can't possibly do in the day. Maybe i just need the organization.)

27% Otter and 21% Lion were my other 2 animals.  Quite an interesting test.

This is going to be a nutsy week. i don't know why i'm wasting small, precious time blogging, but i am.  I need to get a giant easter egg hunt planned for friday, get my U of A forms and my Uof S interviews done for Education, pack all my stuff and move this weekend. Bah! Shoot me now. But it was a really good weekend, and (even though it was short) i got to hang out with 2 people i haven't seen in ages... so that made it brilliant! Hopefully i'll get a chance to hang out during this week somewhere.

bye for now.
carie the "i should be doing something productive".


Evan said...

what's the url for that test?

Smaj said...

productivity is such a bore...

caricature said...

rochelle laura knox said...

well i was 3/4 otter and 1/4 lion. NO suprise!

Evan said...

lion (32%)
beaver (24%)
otter (22%)
golden retriever (22%)