Sunday, November 07, 2004


Inspired by Batgirl, here are my 3 random facts of the day (or 3RF if you will):

> I am sort of afraid of heights (in a my-knees-feel-kinda-like-they-don't-want-to-hold-me way) but bungy jumping was one of the best experiences of my life.

> my favourite colour is purple

> i hardly ever listen to the lyrics of a song until after i've fallen in love with the music

I CAN'T BELIEVE I MISSED SEEING TREE 63 IN CONCERT IN SASKATOON. i'm not even sure how much i like them (i mean i like "Joy" - as you know if you've ever done kids stuff with me, and "blessed be your name") but they had one stop in Canada and that was in "Kaskatoon,SA" tonight!!! They are from Durban, which, if you know your SA geography (as you should) is only 40 mins away from Pietermaritzburg. i feel that i have let down my countrymen. Oh well. maybe i'll have to start figuring out whether or not i like their music.

HOWEVER, i did have a really fun evening. I went to the benifit concert for the Bridge, and came to the interesting realization that my heart and interests are changing. Even as short a time as about 3 weeks ago, i really didn't understand people with a different economic and social way of life (especially the destitute/drug or alcohol addicts)and frankly didn't bother trying. But i found tonight that i genuinely do care. I guess God is still subtly changing my heart and the way i think about people thru the situations he's putting me in.

I think life is about constantly learning, growing and changing... but this makes me somewhat fickle in my passions. Take drums for instance. I really love playing the drums, but i think what i like even more than playing them is knowing how. There are many things out there that i do, just because i want to know how, and less because i even want to do it. Learning HTML or how to sew or drink beer or dance... the list goes on. Its weirdly like i'm competing with myself to be the best, most well rounded and informed person possible, even though its completely meaningless to anybody else. Having said that, i learnt 2 new, enjoyable things today. Mikos was teaching me to play chess, and did a good job in my opinion. I know he could have kicked my butt in just a couple of moves, but he made me feel like i was fairly intelligent and inspired me to want to figure out chess so that i can be good the next time. The second thing was learning to play guitar with Jordan. I have this remotely dread feeling that i'll never really be any good at guitar, but it seems like a valuable life skill, and i want to be one of those people who can just pick up a guitar and play, whatever my mood. (kind of like running - i really wish that i didn't only have 2 speeds [running and walking]... movies where people get out all their tension by going jogging always inspire me-- [temporarily]).

To think that my original intent was to end each blog with a quote.... (oops). But this one kinda fits i think. (i love TS Elliot. He was a genius). This one is from "The love song of J Alfred Prufrock" L24-34)

"And indeed there will be time
For the yellow smoke that slides along the street,
Rubbing its back upon the window-panes;
There will be time, there will be time
To prepare a face to meet the faces that you meet;
There will be time to murder and create,
And time for all the works and days of hands
That lift and drop a question on your plate;
Time for you and time for me,
And time yet for a hundred indecisions,
And for a hundred visions and revisions,
Before the taking of a toast and tea. "

well, i guess if i want to be a decent human being at 10, i should get some sleep.
so, in the (unfortunate) word of Mike... "checkmate"

and goodnight.

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