Sunday, December 05, 2004

"There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind."

i have to confess: i am pig headed and very stuborn, but on the plus side, at least i can admit it. (on paper... saying it is a little harder, as it clashes a little more with the pigheaded side of the personality). ANYWAYS... Batgirl tried to MAKE me read Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy for about the first 3 years that we knew each other, and i refused on the grounds that she hates everything i read and refuses to read it. Finally one day we agreed to swap best for best, and i was introduced to the world of Douglas Adam while she was plunged into the marvels of Pride and Prejudice. I have to say at this point, i don't know why i gave her that instead of Wuthering Heights, which has been a clear 19C favourite for a good 8 years, but it seemed conventional. Long and short of the story, i can pretty much quote HHGTTG, and she made it to half way through chapter 2, and part of the way through ch 1 on tape. Ah well.

Regardless, i thought that this seemed like a good time to take an optimistic spin on life as the crazyiness of december hits.

"What to do if you find yourself stuck in a crack in the ground underneath a giant boulder you can't move, with no hope of rescue. Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer." (HHGTTG)

all my love,


caricature said...

wow - in rereading this, i realize how pessimistic and hopeless my last couple posts have been. I promise i'm not suicidal, and really not that unhappy. just tired i think. the week off from McNab is going to be VERY good...
later. ct

BL said...

Hahahahaaahahahahaa! That quote is genius!! I must go buy that book at once...

BL said...

p.s. is it ok that i read your journal? i'm sort of a lurker, but i don't want to suddenly de-lurk and startle you too badly...

Evan said...

my favourite line is to the effect of, "He scratched hhis crotch reflectively."

Smaj said...

so much to say about the first half of this post...
i guess i'll just suffice to let you know that i still love hitchhiker... in fact, my roommate is a hitcher...


caricature said...

lurk away all. and jordan, if you even open your mouth about the first part of the post... ... ... grrr. I was being honest, not inviting criticism! lol.