Monday, July 24, 2006


Naturally, because I posted the previous post BEFORE finishing off my work week, one more thing had to go wrong - something is leaking at the church, so i was running around trying to fix it/ clean up... ugg. finally just called Greg and left. HERE'S TO A BETTER WEEK!
(This all sounds very pessimistic - but NOBODY died this week, an I didn't even hit any blasted deer on the road from Regina- so there is HOPE)

I heard this song at the wedding - i've heard it before and liked it, so i thought i'd put it up here.... (I know, I know... it's country... but its an ok country song KARLA!)

Artist: Martina Mcbride
Song: This Ones For The Girls

This one's for all you girls about thirteen
High school can be so rough, can be so mean
Hold onto, on to your innocence
Stand your ground when everyone's giving in

This one's for the girls

This is for all you girls about twenty-five
In a little apartment, just trying to get by
Living on, on dreams and spaghetti-o's
Wondering where you life is gonna go

This one's for the girls
Who've ever had a broken heart
Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls
Who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have
All around the world
This one's for the girls

This is for all you girls about forty-two
Tossing pennies into the Fountain of Youth
Every laugh, laugh line on your face
Made you who you are today

Yeah, we're all the same inside
From 1 to 99

This one's for the girls
Who've ever had a broken heart
Who've wished upon a shooting star
You're beautiful the way you are
This one's for the girls
Who love without holding back
Who dream with everything they have
All around the world
This one's for the girls
Yeah, this one's for the girls

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I'm a survivor...

so i survived my crazy week and crazier weekend, and i am now moved in, wedding-ed up, churched and ready for bed. YAY Monday!
Hopefully i'll have a chance to be a REAL person next week!

ciao for now,

lego mania

Check this out! This is amazing! Someone certainly is talented and patient to create such a masterpiece. (or has way too little to do, and way too much time on his hands!)

A few quick facts:
How long to build it? It was about a year and a half of planning, building and photographing.
How many pieces of LEGO to build ! it? more than 75,000
How big is it? About 7 feet by 5 1/2 feet by 30 inches (2.2 m x 1.7 m x .76 m)
How many LEGO people does it seat? 1,372
How many windows? 3,976

It features a balcony, a Narthex, stairs to the balcony, restrooms, coat rooms, several mosaics, a nave, a baptistry, an altar, a crucifix, a pulpit and an elaborate pipe organ.

crazy huh? And i was impressed with making "Zoos" out of a line of lego and some plastic animals... haha... apparently i have less elaborate taste.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

the ants go marching...

UGG! Its been THAT week and its going to be THAT weekend... Tuesday's exciting event was the demise of KRONOS - our time machine / poor excuse for a bus. Good times. Wednesday was the day of meetings (and driving aimlessly around the city looking for an address which didn't exist.)Thursday was fencing again - VERY satisfactory to get the WHOLE farm down... YEAH POST BUSTERS! (Maybe i'll put up a slide show of the whole postinators team.) With names like "im-post-ers","postman", etc... how could things go wrong?
Today was moving day. I rushed home after work, tried to get everything packed up and then called my dad to come help. It is now 1:49 am and i have just finished unpacking mostly everything. BLESSED SLEEP COME QUICK!
Tomorrow is Jill's wedding! ANOTHER good friend all grown up and married! WEIRD! But i'm really looking forward to it. Its just the driving there and back that i'm not so excited about. And then the usual stuff for Sunday.

While i was moving all my stuff, my imfamous quote board got a little smudged, so i thought i should put it up here post haste... if you have to ask questions then... DON'T. (try working with 50 6year olds if you want to learn how to block out questions). Just know that i did not write any of these except the last.

so with no further ado, and in somewhat of ad hoc fashion:


> "indy... put your pants back on"
> Apparently they weren't white"
> " T'wass"
> "Tee Hee...?"
> "Carie is ALMOST wearing a hotwheels shirt"
> "Pants are a thing of the past"
> "What? We're snapping bras?"
> "I like pineapple!"
> "Dis-ney-land!"
> "What? Puptits?"

Monday, July 17, 2006

Just a stranger on the bus

I distinctly remember the who-ha this song caused when it came out, and me in my rebellious grade 8- ness thinking, "well, what if?"... I was watching a movie tonight and they played this song, and i was reminded of the truth of it as it struck me 10 years (EEK!) ago... what if he's the old smelly guy riding next to me on the bus?? "as you do to the least of these, you do to me"... (Matt 25)

If God Was One of Us Lyrics - Joan Osbourne

If God had a name, what would it be
And would you call it to his face
If you were faced with him in all his glory
What would you ask if you had just one question

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home

If God had a face what would it look like
And would you want to see
If seeing meant that you would have to believe
In things like heaven and in Jesus and the saints and all the prophets

And yeah yeah god is great yeah yeah god is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
He's trying to make his way home
Back up to heaven all alone
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

And yeah yeah God is great yeah yeah God is good
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What if god was one of us
Just a slob like one of us
Just a stranger on the bus
Trying to make his way home
Just trying to make his way home
Like a holy rolling stone
Back up to heaven all alone
Just trying to make his way home
Nobody calling on the phone
Except for the pope maybe in rome

I have ignored God for such a long time. He's a big part of my daily life, in that i run around "DOING" things for him, but have somehow allowed my Bible to get dusty next to my bed. I feel like a hypocrit teaching kids to "SPEAK UP" for him, when i don't even have the courage of my convictions to explain to to my co-workers why i don't get "Shit faced" every weekend or sleep with my boyfriend, or any of the other things they assume about me. How can i convice kids of a Godly lifestyle when i'm living just the bare skeleton of it, mostly out of habit?

I know all the sunday school answers and i could argue theology with a priest, but God looks inside my soul, and i think i haven't done much to make him proud. I sometimes feel like faith is a back-up plan, just in case he is real and i'll be standing before him one day, with no other options. But then i look back on my life and see him in action in every aspect of my life, and know that he has been present in every moment and every tear.
Why am i posting this here? i don't know except that i feel that by hiding it and pretending that i am the perfect Christian girl with no doubts or insecurities or faith hiccups that i cannot go on a missions trip to tell other people about Jesus. I know he is able to use me regardless of my flaws, but i have come to realize that i am done with hypocrisy. In my various friendships and relationships with people, i have to be real. I know that God is my creator and perfect author of my life story, and I know that i am saved through Jesus Christ, and i do want to "speak up". Maybe we are placed in various situations in life to remind us of who we really are and what we really believe. Perhaps teaching Faith Kids and Connection Kids has been God's little post-it to me of the fact that he really is writing my story, and i just have to let go of the pen for a little while.

For the last 3 summers i have allowed myself to shine for him at camp, for a brief 3 months of the year, and then slidden back into my old grunge of daily life and grind. In each summer i have really had the opportunity to develop my relationship with him, and they have been awesome learning and growing experiences which i have somehow relinquished when life returned to normal. I don't want to be living on the outskirts of faith anymore, but i can't seem to claw my way back in. I know - sunday school answer - read your Bible and pray everyday (and you'll grow, grow, grow...) but that seems to be the easy "doing" way out. I want the RELATIONSHIP part. I want to be HUNGRY. I'm not hungry for God... i cry out to him in tough times, and i know he's there, but in everyday life i don't seek his face the way i want too. I want to be passionate but don't know how to get there.

ugg. this post should not be for public reading except that i need to make it public. I want to be growing and passionate, but i know that i'll fake it every time somebody asks. Even in writing this, i am so concerned about what people will think. I'm worried about all the church people who will see me preaching to the kids and see the dirt on the inside of my cup. I'm worried that i won't be good enough to fit into the church mould. I'm worried that the people i care about most will see how much i am losing my grip on what i believe and will want to jump ship. But i HAVE to be honest. I can't go on being so shallow and empty.
Pray for me.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Carie's craziness

This is another of those funny personalized quiz things, (stolen from Smaj's blog) but this time with pics... The idea is to answer the survey by putting the first image you find on google image when you type in your answer.

The age on your next birthday:

Your favourite colour:

A guilty pleasure:

Your favourite fruit or veg:

The town you live in:

Name of your favourite pet/ sibling:

Your first name: (thanks mom!)

Your Middle name:
(not suitable pic material... ugg! GROSS diane!)

about me in pics (cont.)

Your last name:

Your nick name:

Your favourite book:

Your favourite actor/ actress:

Your favourite composer:

your Alma Mata:

Thursday, July 06, 2006

sticks and stones

URRG! Its 12:56am and i have NOTHING to wear tomorrow/today for camp. CAVEMAN outfit???? Uggg. i'm debating just smoshing up my hair and putting sticks and dirt in it tomorrow and telling the kids that cavemen didn't wear clothes, so i have to wear my regular clothes or else i'd be naked. Do you think they'll believe me? Regardless, i think it might have to be what i do. Have i ever mentioned how much i hate dressing up??? I think its because i don't have the halloween background. Costumes just seem like so much work for no reason. The princess outfit worked really well until i got caught in the middle of a giant game of sponge bombardment, which resulted in me dripping wet and covered in green dye from the inside of my dress. NICE.

Today we had a medieval battle. It was AWESOMES. i really wish i had caught it on camera. We devided the kids in 2 teams, had them line up on each end of the field and then had them charge each other, shields in hand, YELLING insults, a la Braveheart. It was fantastic!!
Its so hard to have 6 year olds at camp for a week. They're just too little. Half of them cried all day today from sheer exhaustion, and missed out on the beauty of the Middle Ages. I mean you know its a bad sign (or a really GOOD sign) when they sleep all 20 minutes home - traintracks, potholes and all. Tomorrow they should be really tired again because we're swimming all afternoon. I think those are going to be my favourite days. All 50 of them corralled in one place with a bunch of lifeguards to watch them :) Sweet. And all i have to do is swim or suntan for 3 hours. What a tough afternoon.

Anyway, my eyes are starting to water, so i should get to bed...
farewell my friends, far and wide.

I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night. ~Calvin & Hobbes

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

carie the pirate had one leg

does it ever feel to you like life is whirling around on its axis so fast that you can't keep up? I sometimes feel like if i just lie in my bed and do suduku puzzles, all the problems, issues and errands will just sort themselves out. i won't have to worry about internship, i won't have to figure our where to live or with whom, i won't have to deal with people coming and going and feeling happy or sad or anything at all. Its not that i'm unhappy with life, in fact if anything, i have been really happy over the last little while, i just sometimes don't feel like i have a grip on what i need to do to live. Maybe its just this week catching up. I started 2 new jobs yesterday and today - Boys and Girls Club and the Church, so its made for a busy weekend... added to not sleeping very much and dropping Indy off at the airport this morning early... i would like to be the proverbial ostrich.

But having said that, it was a wonderful weekend - Canada day was really fun with Susan & Jason's wedding at lunch, the river cruise in the afternoon and then jazz at the river and fireworks at the park. Sunday was a fun day too - spending sometime chilling in the afternoon and then hanging out in the evening at BP's and then the drive in. We stayed up all night watching movies and then took Indy to the airport at 4am. WHY do flights leave at 6am?? ugg! So early. I am very jealous! i would like to be leaving on a 6am flight tomorrow morning!

anyway, now that i have rambled on and my stream of consciousness is becoming a trickle, i think i might rotate my way towards my bed and suduku book...
early morning tomorrow with PIRATE DAY in the time machine. YARR!
