Thursday, July 06, 2006

sticks and stones

URRG! Its 12:56am and i have NOTHING to wear tomorrow/today for camp. CAVEMAN outfit???? Uggg. i'm debating just smoshing up my hair and putting sticks and dirt in it tomorrow and telling the kids that cavemen didn't wear clothes, so i have to wear my regular clothes or else i'd be naked. Do you think they'll believe me? Regardless, i think it might have to be what i do. Have i ever mentioned how much i hate dressing up??? I think its because i don't have the halloween background. Costumes just seem like so much work for no reason. The princess outfit worked really well until i got caught in the middle of a giant game of sponge bombardment, which resulted in me dripping wet and covered in green dye from the inside of my dress. NICE.

Today we had a medieval battle. It was AWESOMES. i really wish i had caught it on camera. We devided the kids in 2 teams, had them line up on each end of the field and then had them charge each other, shields in hand, YELLING insults, a la Braveheart. It was fantastic!!
Its so hard to have 6 year olds at camp for a week. They're just too little. Half of them cried all day today from sheer exhaustion, and missed out on the beauty of the Middle Ages. I mean you know its a bad sign (or a really GOOD sign) when they sleep all 20 minutes home - traintracks, potholes and all. Tomorrow they should be really tired again because we're swimming all afternoon. I think those are going to be my favourite days. All 50 of them corralled in one place with a bunch of lifeguards to watch them :) Sweet. And all i have to do is swim or suntan for 3 hours. What a tough afternoon.

Anyway, my eyes are starting to water, so i should get to bed...
farewell my friends, far and wide.

I think we dream so we don't have to be apart so long. If we're in each other's dreams, we can play together all night. ~Calvin & Hobbes


Smaj said...

Nope, I recommend against it:
Kids will call your bluff and tell you to take your clothes off... then you'll be out of it.

I do love Calvin and Hobbes, though.

Miss you lots, Carie, hope things are going well.


caricature said...

yeah... i decided against it too... i miss you also. I am enjoying getting to know your girlfriend though! She's a blast!!

Anonymous said...

princess outfit? sponge are in last summer! Minus the ocean.

caricature said...

yeah... i miss keats and the ocean! Its funny, i sort of "guided" the planning direction... "hey guys! Great idea! Lets do a time machine" and they ran with it from there. SUPRISE! Turns out we pretty much have all the same themes! haha... i love minimizing work and maximizing great planning!