Saturday, July 22, 2006

the ants go marching...

UGG! Its been THAT week and its going to be THAT weekend... Tuesday's exciting event was the demise of KRONOS - our time machine / poor excuse for a bus. Good times. Wednesday was the day of meetings (and driving aimlessly around the city looking for an address which didn't exist.)Thursday was fencing again - VERY satisfactory to get the WHOLE farm down... YEAH POST BUSTERS! (Maybe i'll put up a slide show of the whole postinators team.) With names like "im-post-ers","postman", etc... how could things go wrong?
Today was moving day. I rushed home after work, tried to get everything packed up and then called my dad to come help. It is now 1:49 am and i have just finished unpacking mostly everything. BLESSED SLEEP COME QUICK!
Tomorrow is Jill's wedding! ANOTHER good friend all grown up and married! WEIRD! But i'm really looking forward to it. Its just the driving there and back that i'm not so excited about. And then the usual stuff for Sunday.

While i was moving all my stuff, my imfamous quote board got a little smudged, so i thought i should put it up here post haste... if you have to ask questions then... DON'T. (try working with 50 6year olds if you want to learn how to block out questions). Just know that i did not write any of these except the last.

so with no further ado, and in somewhat of ad hoc fashion:


> "indy... put your pants back on"
> Apparently they weren't white"
> " T'wass"
> "Tee Hee...?"
> "Carie is ALMOST wearing a hotwheels shirt"
> "Pants are a thing of the past"
> "What? We're snapping bras?"
> "I like pineapple!"
> "Dis-ney-land!"
> "What? Puptits?"

1 comment:

Fenlore said...

Yay for moving into a new place, I hope to accomplish the same thing in a couple months... less if I'm lucky.

I love the quotes too, ah the lack of pants, that brings back memories... now youll never tell anyone to make themselves at home... byt hatw ay you might wanna warn Julia.