Monday, November 21, 2005

Superman's song

i realized yesterday because of the wise words of a smart friend (and maybe a little prodding from Our Heavenly father) that maybe I've screwed up yet again. Wow, its been quite a week. Without going back into the whole journey mistake, i realized that maybe some of the things i said were more a reaction to feeling attacked than an honest emotion. I also realized that while i believe strongly in the freedom of speech, and i try to express myself honestly here, it is a public forum, which has the power to make people see things from certain angles. This effectively can be one sided gossipping - shouting out to the universe to take my side in a debate which is not about sides or right/wrong, but about listening to what God tells us to do. i was not listening, i was a little kid who was annoyed cos i got a talking to. So I'm sorry for spouting off that way. it most definitely was not a Godly way to behave, REGARDLESS of any of the issues involved.

Here is a song i heard driving on the way home from school... sometimes there's nothing but to keep on going, doing the right thing even though it involves thankless, payless work and dirty phone booths...
Being shaped - ALLOWING God to shape us is sometimes not a fun endevour, and i think he must shake his head at how thankless, payless and unpleasing his work with us is, but then every now and again we get it, and glimmer in the darkness and please him...
We're called to the same thankless, dirty work - putting aside ourselves and what pleases/angers/saddens us and just be obedient. [ESPECIALLY when we're in the wrong ;)]

Superman's song - Crash Test Dummies

Tarzan wasn't a ladies' man
He'd just come along and scoop 'em up under his arm
Like that, quick as a cat in the jungle
But Clark Kent, now there was a real gent
He would not be caught sittin' around in no
Junglescape, dumb as an ape doing nothing

Superman never made any money
For saving the world from Solomon Grundy
And sometimes I despair the world will never see
Another man like him

Hey Bob, Supe had a straight job
Even though he could have smashed through any bank
In the United States, he had the strength, but he would not
Folks said his family were all dead
Their planet crumbled but Superman, he forced himself
To carry on, forget Krypton, and keep going

Tarzan was king of the jungle and Lord over all the apes
But he could hardly string together four words: "I Tarzan, You Jane."

Sometimes when Supe was stopping crimes
I'll bet that he was tempted to just quit and turn his back
On man, join Tarzan in the forest
But he stayed in the city, and kept on changing clothes
In dirty old phonebooths till his work was through
And nothing to do but go on home



Evan said...

when you have feedback in a condensor mic, you need to tune it. the closer you get to that sweet spot, the more horrific the feedback becomes. you know that you're getting there when it seems the worst. then all of a sudden, you're in the zone. the mic becomes useful and productive. a lot of sound people have a tendancy of backing off when the feedback starts to show up. they don't necessarily realise they are on the right track and all they have to do is keep going.

maybe you were getting close to that spot and decided to back off. maybe not.

im actually kind of sad that you took your post down. instead of it being the first piece in a conversation, there is no longer a conversation. hell, you've hidden the conversation, covered it up.

by removing posts you run the risk of showing people only what they want to see. you don't actually show yourself. you defeat the purpose of this.

if you don't like what you said, then say that. follow up. post something else. show that there is something going on.

i want to see you, not what you think i want to see.

caricature said...

its not that i don't want you to see me... as i said in this post, there is a point at which conversation becomes gossip. And it can be possitive gossip - it makes me feel good and supported and justified, BUT at that point it is not about exposing the real me... it is about being real and facing up to the fact that i don't feel the need to tell everybody everything i know, and i don't need to do that in this space either.