Monday, January 08, 2007

So we are now in day 3 of classes. I am currently being bored to death by my computer mediated computer class. GO FIGURE. oh well. Easy credit and hopefully i'l learn something exciting sometime soon. Until then i decided to semi-zone and blog instead. The greatest thing is the people who have no idea how to even log into PAWS let alone how to zip files or anthing remotely easy. When emailing is a challenge, life loses a lot of its luster in terms of interst factor. BAH. At least i don't just have to sit here. It would be way WAY worse if he had the Blackboard ability to control my screen. EEK> Its annoying because after wasting most of the leason, he throws our hour long assignment at us in the last 20 mins. EXCELLENT.

ANYWAY - enough of that. I am glad to be back at school. There are a lot of things that i should be thinking about already - resumes, job hunts, career fairs, etc, etc... Just thinking about it is slightly alarming. But it is nice to be able to do nothing of consequence on weekends, and do my homework when i feel like it. I guess i just need to be a little more organized. (hehe!)
Definately the best thing about being back is the chance to catch up with old friends and classmates. Its really fun to compare experiences (good and bad) and see what everybody's been up too. Its been 8 months since i've seen most so there's a lot of catching up to do.

Its been a yucky winter so far. driving out to Rosthern was pretty brutal for much of November, but it let up nicely for Christmas. We had another snowfal again this last week, but apart from the death defying experience of walking to work, its not too bad out right now.

EEK - he's started to talk about something vaguely important, so i should go...


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