Saturday, January 27, 2007

In the mood for lists

So I started writing this somewhere around last September (05)… haha… I’ve already started on a few of these - some just happened to me!! (I’ll let you figure out which ones!)
Its funny how life changes in 16 months. (and SAD how much i still want to get done of these mundane little tasks!) You'll notice that i've also posted "THINGS I WANT TO DO BEFORE I DIE" in the sidebar - so that i can see them all the time. Still working on a few formatting bugs, but i figure it might be good incentive.

1. Throw my sis a good b-day party
2. Go sky diving
3. Finish hanging up posters and stuff in my room
4. Take pics of my home and church and car and make a photo collage of my life
5. Actually do my homework (instead of procrastinating and making lists…), finish off my degree
6. Clean the bathroom more often
7. Travel somewhere far away - just for the heck of it
8. Spend more time with my sister
9. Read my Bible regularly
10. Find and develop new musical tastes
11. Write to family and friends - just because
12. Pay back my parents
13. Find a good guy… actually think about dating him…
14. Move to Vancouver
15. Learn & become fluent in sign language
16. Find a job in education, love my life!
17. Figure out what I’m going to do with all the crap I have at my parent’s house!
18. Buy and fill a freezer with real meals
19. Eat real meals (aka: not peanut butter sandwiches)
20. Take more care of my appearances… buy real work clothes, wear makeup, do my hair!
21. Figure out what went wrong in a couple of friendships, and work them out.
22. Gossip less
23. Read more fiction
24. Spend more time outside
25. Organise all my photos
26. Pray more
27. Exercise more often
28. Write more hand written notes to friends and mail them letters
29. Take more time to show the friends that I really love that I really love them.
30. Relearn piano and drums
31. Memorize a beautiful poem just because
32. Learn about how my car works
33. Run a marathon (even a mini one)
34. Design a webpage
35. Learn how to play ICE hockey (pffft!)
36. Kiss a boy
37. Play outside in the rain
38. Watch thunderstorms
39. Do more back flips
40. Get a suntan
41. Worry less
42. Wear sunscreen
43. Floss
44. DANCE!
45. Get to know my parents… spend lots of time with them
46. Plan to be poor
47. Treasure my mind- value what goes in to it
48. Spend more time doing silly things that will last in my memory forever and less time doing mundane things that I won’t care about tomorrow
49. Finish this list!


caricature said...

you are a genius carie!

Evan said...

You have been tagged on my blorg. Check it out!

caricature said...

what's a blorg?

Evan said...

It's like a blog, but silly.

Anonymous said...

you think you'd have something better to do