Sunday, June 25, 2006

worth 1000

well, the saying is, "a picture's worth a thousand words", so this should keep you busy for a while. These are pics from about mid-may that i've been intending to put up here forever!

This film strip is from Greig Ave's house cooling/ Mels' birthday/ Kristie's Bon Voyage/ "we need to have a really big party" party. There were stacks of people there and we hawaained it up in an awesome way. I even made a new south african friend. Yay for meeting random people on the street!

These pics are from "Roomie supper". We all went out toMontana's for supper, and i dared Kristie and Karla to kiss the moose. Long and short of it is, desert won out over public humiliation and the moose has a better day than he's had for a while. haha.

Mel, Andrea and I decided to go shopping one beautiful Thursday. Shopping turned into picnic in the park, which in turn became posing like statues on top of the fountain. I think we amused the people around us, we definately got some applause ;)

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