Wednesday, June 01, 2005

random ramblings

Image hosted by WOW... i can't believe it. Anna and Evan, Mike and Sarah and Eric and Alicia are almost all grown ups. In less than 3 weeks they will all be married. Isn't that crazy? i helped anna move into her new place today, which is just accross the road! so now we can have some decent street parties :) I had to miss out on going to watch HHGTTG (due to moving) AND!!! due to the fact that its somehow already left the theatres! Hard to believe huh? Damn star wars. (sorry Anna).

Image hosted by <--- how could this be anything but excellent? I ask you.

Any ways, i booked my bus rides to and from keats (for anna's wedding... bah! *$3#!%(^   Stupid  25 hour ride... meh. i guess i'll get to sleep, so it might not be all bad. its just that the concept of 50 hours in less than a  week may kill me.  oh well.  On the upside, i said 'bye to the Dub. (or officially at least... i have to stick it out until the 10th.) So no more 6ams for me!!  I wish i'd hear back from the Uni to tell me what i'm doing with my life. I somehow neglected to tell them that i have moved, so i have no idea where my letter is.... hopefully it will eventually be forwarded to my parent's new addy.  some random ussu jerk keeps tormenting me in the mean while. good thing i'm not political 'eh?

Well, i should get to bed i guess... we're heading out to Sarah's wedding this weekend, fingers crossed for nice weather... its an outdoors wedding, so hopefully we'll get to enjoy the outdoors. Apart from that i get to see Miller, which should be an exciting adventure, not to mention the WHOLE! town of Pambrin. I don't know if i can contain myself :)

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