Sunday, January 02, 2005


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! i hope that you all had a rocking party and made many good resolutions. I for one hardly ever make resolutions, since invariably i break them in the first day. HOWEVER, the one decision i have come to is to be more of a active decision maker - and actually get my butt in gear and do a bunch of things that i really want to get done.

In lieu of making a resolution for myself (since i am obviously not starting on the decision making "resolution" yet, here's my randomly dictated one. I actually really like it and may even do it :) hehe

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

To get a carnivorous fish.

Get your resolution here

1 comment:

caricature said...

hehe - i'm a dork. Just realized that my beta IS a carnivorous fish. it eats worms and other fish if it gets the chance. well, waddya know.