Monday, July 02, 2007

happy Canada Day

This has been such a good relaxing weekend - went swimming on Friday night with Anna, Evan and Vangie, and then watched a ridiculous girl movie (sans Evan.) Saturday was sleep in until 1pm! (yay for days when you thought you had to work but didn't!!!) then errands and Ruckers for some good ol' beat that crocodile fun! Although the lemon tried to bite her, anna's lemon marangue pie was something to marvel over. Came back home for a fire, but the mozzies were out to get us, so chilled inside and just chatted with Anna & J. J& I decided to check out the Flying J - big mistake on my part... the burger was YUMMY... but i came home at 3am WIDE AWAKE. So i watched "Water" - possible the best foreign film i have seen (other than "Life is beautiful" and "Amelie")... it is amazing and sad and beautiful all at the same time.
the 5am bedtime didn't bode so well for work this morning... but hey - a bit of caffeine and we're set. It really wasn't that busy anyway.
This evening was the Bezopalooza... surprisingly quite fun! I had a really good evening catching up with a variety of people i havent' seen in forever. surprising how your world can somehow shrink until you can't see anybody but the people in your immediate vacinity, until one day you surface and realize that everybody else is still there, its just a matter of focussing the vision finder.
Anyway, now that i'm worked, fed and fireworked, it is 1:21 and i am ready for bed.. got to be fresh for my big first day tomorrow at the park!

till later,

I'd never even heard of these guys, but i caught this song on the radio and liked it...

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