Thursday, March 29, 2007

some random questions

1.What would you do if a leprechaun jumped out of the bushes and stole your wallet?
take him down!

2. If you encountered a drunken bear what would you do?
steal his booze?

3. Lucky charms or fruit loops?
ummm. neither. I like plain ol' rice crispies

5. If you were going to a costume party tonight, what would you be?

6. What is one quality that you really appreciate in a person?

7. What would you rather have; a nanny, a housekeeper, a cook, or a chauffeur?
UGG! Housekeeper for sure! I am not good at this whole housekeeping thing. And a housekeeper could cook right?

8. You are offered an envelope that you know contains $50. You are then told that you may either keep it or exchange it for another envelope that may or may not contain $500.
Take the 50 - i'm not much of a gambler.

9. If you had to have the same topping on your vanilla ice cream for the rest of your life, what topping would you choose?
caramel/ toffee. Mmmm - as much like rolo icecream as possible!

10. Rock, paper, or scissors?
rock. no reason.

11. What is your wallpaper on your cell phone?
snowboarder. He's there to remind me that someday i'll be a truly excellent boarder too.

12. If you could only use one form of transportation for the rest of your life what would it be?

13. Last movie you watched?
"Stranger than fiction" - it was ok - not brilliant.

14. What is the first word that comes to mind right now?

15. What color are your sheets?
blue and yellow stars

16. What is your favourite flavor of Kool-Aid?
green apple

18. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?
huh - i don't know. i'd have to plan it out... sounds fun!

19. What size ring do you wear?

20. What was your elementary school mascot?
a dragon.. can't remember its name. but i was responsible for it on hockey tours!

21. What is your favourite Starbucks drink?
mmm... chai tea latte. with lots of cinnamon!

22. Are you a health freak?
nope. prob should look into that tho'...

23. Have you ever been to college?
uggg.... have i ever left?

24. Are you a member of the mile high club?
um... no

25. Do you like your neighbours?
i think they might be drug dealers. Actually, they're probably not, but they seem so awfully nice that its hard not to suspect them!

26. Would you kill someone?

27. Have you ever been arrested?

28. Have you ever slept with someone out of pity?

30. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex?
sadly yes (it was pretty odd actually.)

31. Do you wear perfume or cologne? If so what is your favourite?
yeah - an AVON (i know, i know - the evil empire!) perfume called "Starring"

32. Tan or Pale?
i'm aquiring prairie pale.

33. Planes or Buses?
Planes - i LOVE flying. Considered a career in flying, but its not much for having a life...

34. Diamonds or Gold?

35. Who let the dogs out?
not me. i wish nobody had.

36. Orange juice or Apple juice?
apple's my favourite, but i like orange to spice things up.

37. Do you shower daily?
yup. its a pretty good policy if you want to keep your friends!

38. Have you ever made out with just a friend?
no comment?

39. Would you date someone younger than you?

40. Would you date someone older than you?

41. Could you live without sex?
probably not - don't really know.

42. Snakes or Rabbits?
i like bunnies!

43. Have you ever Googled yourself?

44. Ever starred in your own film?
well, i don't know about "Starred", but i played a major role in "Beq-watch"

45. Do you believe in aliens?
why not? If God made life on Earth, why would he stop there?

46. How do you vent anger?
silence, venting outloud and then usually writing. (its a process!)

47. What is your favourite word?
"ooo - kay!" (i don't know if its my favourite, but its definately an abused word in my vocab)

48. Good or Evil?
me? angelic! (tee hee!)

49. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?

50. Logic or Art?
i'd say logic. some would disagree ;)

51. Do animals have souls?
i don't know.

52. Rough or Sensual?

53. Do you smoke?

54. Do you believe in Love?
of course!

55. Last time you saw your mom?
Monday. Its her birthday tomorrow! She's turning 21 apparently.

56. Have you ever met a celebrity?
nope. umm - does Riley Armstrong count?? Haha.

57. Mints or chewing gum?

58. Have you ever danced in public?
i try not to. but yes. way too many times!!

59. Would you consider it fun to have the cops chase you in a pursuit?
nope! I always want to cry when i get pulled over - and not for sympathy but because i HATE getting in trouble!

60. Do you have a big mouth?
medium. but a SUPER long tongue.

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