Monday, May 24, 2004

joining the rant - waggon

Today i decided that enough was enough - i need to catch up with technology and start making my rants public... i figure blogging will be way easier - everyone can just read them and i won't have to try and explain what i'm talking about all the time!
HOWEVER i do know me better than to think that this is going to be an everyday event - really i don't have that much to rant about and my life isn't that interesting (and my attention span is very short!)... so there may not be that much to say.

I've just gotten back from a great camping turned sleepover weekend at Shannon's in Edmonton, (yes we're wusses and it WAS COLD!)and all i can say is... crazy people! Seriously a fun weekend tho - just missing a few key funk family members ;)

since this is my first venture into cyberspace, i thought i should end it on a classy note, i'm sure TS Elliot would have something a little more elloquent to say, but here's his thought on friends:

"You do not know how much they mean to me, my friends,
And how, how rare and strange it is, to find
In a life composed so much, so much of odds and ends,
[for indeed I do not love it.. you knew? you are not blind! How keen you are!]
To find a friend who has tehse qualities,
Who has, and gives
Those qualities upon which friendship lives.
How much more it means that i say this to you -
without these friendships - life, what cauchemar!"

- Portrait of a lady (TS Elliot)

(and before you ask - i don't know what cauchemar is... i'm just an igorant English major... i think it's french for "nightmare")

so that's me... signing off on my very first post ever. YAY.
~ carie

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